Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Guess Where I Found Our Boys

Tonight I was on after school child care pick up for the boys.  We are fortunate that our school provides an on site before and after school kid care center even more blessed to have it staffed by wonderful ladies and support staff.

Usually, if it is nice outside, they will turn the kids free on the playground (which parents appreciate as it runs off the cooped up all day energy), if it's nasty outside they go inside to play games, use the gym or watch a movie.  Well as I looked around the playground I didn't see either Lucas or Eli.  I was told they were inside grabbing their book bags and to just go in and let them know I was there.

Oh yes, our sons and a friend of theirs were in deed getting their book bags with the assistance of 5 girls.  Five giggly, smiling, blushing preteens.  Oh my!  What were the boys doing?  Totally enjoying every minute.  The only one who was even slightly mortified that they were caught talking (we'll call it that as it lets me live in denial a little longer) with girls?  The friend...who blushed bright red and mumbled a hello.

It is so weird being on the boy side of being a mom vs. the girl side.  I think the adoption books should cover this area in more detail.  They just don't do a mother's heart or blood pressure justice to seeing this phenomenon in action. 

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