Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Eye To Eye

A teacher that I work with at my school is also a parent of a boy in Lucas' class.  Today we were talking and she mentioned how much Lucas had grown since she had seen him last.  I know his clothes are too little and there is never enough meat on the table no matter how much is cooked.

Tonight we were teasing and rough housing with each other in the kitchen and we ended up face to face.  Oh my!  I was looking that boy right in the eye.  I was so shocked that he got the better of me and won the game.  I realize 13 is approaching in a couple of weeks but could he just have eased into a teenager than changing overnight?  I'm sad, I'm happy and I'm not quite ready for him to be at this point.

I know, doesn't make sense but then again it doesn't have to as I'm a mom and everyone knows we have that privilege.

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