Monday, February 21, 2011

Oh My Back!

Ok....something to consider when adopting "older" kids..... the size of your children when they decide they want to be held, cuddled and carried and the age of your back.

Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to do traction if necessary (and I think it may be) but I just wish I had advanced warning or some kind of "carry me" radar.

Eli will be 10 in June. He may look quite compact but let me tell you the U.S./Iowa feeding program he's been on for the past 18 months have made that little body into a heavily (strong on the heavy) weight program for this mom.

No matter when these surprise hugs, running jumps to be held occur they momentarily stun me (good thing cause the stun blocks the back spasms). He absolutely, under no circumstances wanted to be touched when he arrived home. I remember being so thrilled when we graduated to holding hands. I have a confession to make though, we had to teach him what being carried around was about. He didn't know to hold on, didn't know to wrap his legs, didn't know he could relax. Now he's got it mastered as he climbs up our bodies and leans over backwards, laughing hysterically.

Now please excuse me as I reach for the Aleve and and ice pack....Happy Hugging Everyone:)

1 comment:

  1. Jay-R's isn't quite as old, but he crawls all over my husband all the time, too. I've been spared the human jungle gym because of my surgery but I'm sure he will resume his climbing on me, too. Gotta love boys!
