Yep most definitely someone who shall be identified as possessing testosterone (and is not Mike or Eli) in our household has developed a definitive taste for sassing me. Verbally in English and Tagalog and with body motions......anyone want to guess how well that is working out for him?
As this has been escalating over the past week-end but today when we finally had to make a trip to town for some medicine and other things "he who shall remain nameless" decided to pull out all the tricks; refusing to get out of bed, refusing to get in the shower and then to get dressed, refusing to talk (which why do kids think this is punishment to adults?) and then after being ignored by myself, his brother (who handled this whole thing very well) and Rachel and Sydney, decided to up the antie in the car and make faces behind my back while I was driving. Ordinarily this very bright, loving and considerate child has not brought this behavior to the table....yet. Shall we say the honeymoon is over and now some major testing going on? You would also think that this not stupid child would realize after being ratted out by his siblings that perhaps he should stop with the sassy gestures----ummmm nope. For the past several days I'd used every trick in the book (literally- all those adoption books) to address this behavior and always running into the blank wall of understandable language, that is until I dropped the "recommended intervention methods". So I shall say we had a non-physical, come to Jesus session in the parking lot of Target where the language barrier was dropped...amazing how much English is understood when a PSP is threatened to be eradicated.
We've had to have a few reminders this afternoon but so far so good - egg timer was also purchased at Target and explained that bad behavior would equal so much time without the highly regarded PSP. Have your kids ever had a toy that you hate but at the same time becomes your allie?
Reminds me of when our honeymoon stage was over and Jay-R began testing every boundary. Good luck! Threatened removal of a toy usually works well!!!