Friday, February 15, 2013

Flying Solo

Last night Lucas was invited to spend an overnight at a friend's and go play laser tag with his family.  Eli was designated as the parental chaperon for Mike and I.  He was less than enthusiastic to be flying solo with the parents.  Let's just say, having both your parents' undivided attention is less than thrilling for any kid.

If you were to ask him about his night, he would probably have you convinced that he had no fun at all.  Forget the video games, the tv watching or other playing....he had no fun!  He doesn't do well (at least in his own mind) flying solo with the parents. 

I couldn't bring myself to shatter his bubble further by letting him know that when Lucas heads off to college he will be "stuck" with old folks for a year by himself before he goes to college.  Then I will need to explain that as the youngest in my family, I was at home, solo, with my parents for 7 years after my older sister left while I may understand his "no fun" problem, I probably will point out his one year survival compared to seven doesn't compare.  Motherly understanding and compassion are sometimes at odds.

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