Wednesday, January 2, 2013

And You Thought?

We've had a lot of count downs this past month.  Count down until Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years'  Eve and so on.  But in Lucas' world right now there is only one count down that is first and foremost.  Countdown until his birthday at the end of January. 

At least 4 times a day we hear how many days until his big day, any day now I expect it to be broken down into hours.  I have to say there is probably no kid (unless it's Eli) who looks forward to, anticipates and plans for their birthday more than Lucas.

We don't really hear all that much about what he wants (although there were a few suggestions) it's just about it being his birthday and celebrating with friends.  Remembering back to that first birthday (his 10th) that we celebrated 8 weeks after arriving home and his 13th birthday coming up it really makes me pause to think.  In the 4 birthdays that we will have celebrated with him, he has covered more growing, learning, independence and achievement than most people do in twice that time.

Having said that there are still so many hurdles in front of him.  While RSCC (the orphanage in Zamboanga) did what they could, it is still an institutional start that he works so hard to move past.  He does amazing and never frets (at least not as much as me) about those hurdles that are still in the path.  He moves forward, stumbles and moves on.  My birthday wish for him would be for him to never lose that drive to clear the next hurdle and to always be happy for that next birthdays' arrival as it is one year more that he has mastered, learned from and is looking toward a wonderful new year.

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