Thursday, April 26, 2012


This post had absolutely nothing to do about the boys or adoption or anything other than a mini rant on my part about the changes that are occurring with BLOGGER.  I wonder if the "techie" people who think it's hilarious to mess with us out here on the other side of the computer have a clue as to what they are doing or are simply changing things to justify a job. 

I can handle change, really I can....stop laughing.  I handle change when change makes life easier, improves the overall picture of whatever but tech people "improving" need the guidance of a non-tech person to say, hey if it ain't  broke don't fix it.

BLOGGER has managed to update their site to the point of non use, it's difficult to navigate and for those blogging it's kind of utilitarian on this side of the blog.  Very institutional.  Not high tech, plain yuck.  I live with a tech person (sorry Mike) and he's not always right the first time either,  BLOGGER you need to go back to the drawing board and maybe come out from behind your "big idea people" and ask the people who use your product....don't fix it if it ain't broken.  There.  Done with my rant.  Thanks for the therapy and now I will go forward and relearn this site so that once I have, Blogger can change it again.

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