We are experiencing another "transition" with the boys. They've decided that they don't need to eat breakfast. Their mother (me) says differently. Mom still trumps boys. Probably not winning a whole lot more of these food battles but this time, this issue I win.
In the whole "discussion" I explained that breakfast is important and why. Their argument, "our friends don't eat breakfast". Then I told them about kids who only get to eat when they are at school and they don't have enough to eat at home.
Lucas was absolutely floored. He said, "No only in Philippines. America everyone has food." That was followed up with a talk about how there are children in every country that don't get enough to eat, even America. I think it diminished the glitter of America in his eyes a little bit. But we haven't had any more arguments on breakfast consumption.
Don't tell the boys, but I still don't eat breakfast :)