Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Worry Bug

Sorry for the delay in posting and I will post our mini vacation highlights but since I've had welfare calls from people wondering why the silence, I thought I'd throw in a quick update. Life is you knew that.

The worry bug has also come to visit at our house. Lucas and Eli worry about everything. This seems to be the case during the school year. They love school, think their teachers are pretty cool and really love being back with their friends. For some reason this also seems to be when they bring up the Philippines a lot. Constant comparing of everything. School, food, friends, people, rules...pretty much everything.

The latest hard thing.....what happened to my friends in they have families? I think Lucas especially has figured out that they were getting to the age where they would no longer be able to stay in the orphanage and would be on their own to make their own ways. We had this difficult discussion with Lucas this summer, he thought that he would live at RSCC until he was old enough to work there. Probably not the case. Thank God he doesn't have to find out. He also realized that he and Eli would have been released at different times. That was really scary for him and us.

Now they both worry for those left behind. So for any of you out there that are thinking, wondering, considering makes a huge difference in your life, in the lives of your potential child(ren) and in the lives of those who have found their families and worry for their friends who wait. Think really hard.

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