Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sugar is NOT Good!

News flash for all those parents out there. Sugar is eating the minds of our kids. If anyone would like to have a first hand experience, I have one little 9 year old Filipino boy that is living proof that sugar is a mind altering drug.

Lucas and Eli go to an after school church program on Wednesday afternoon. They love going, have a million stories about the sponsors and what they do there. They also love to have snacks while there. Unfortunately for those of us who live through the next few hours after the program ends, we have the divine pleasure of Eli hyped up from those "wonderful" treats.

He cannot handle sugar or caffeine. We've gotten a good handle on the whole caffeine thing but sugar is harder to control. I've never seen a kids' behavior so very obviously affected by it before. He speaks 90 miles and hour, can't sit still and the most amazing thing is he will stand there and tell you, "I'm very, very tired! I'm very, very fast, I no slow down!" I think I'm sending his snack with him next week.....I'm sure that will go over big...not. But it is closing in on 7:30 and they've been home since 4:30 and he is now taking a very, very fast shower. Wonder if he'll sleep very, very fast.

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