By the photo I'm sure you've gathered we've had yet another injury for Eli. Other leg, other shin but come on buddy!
Approximately 2 minutes after being told not to ride double on a bike we had blood and bandage time.....again.
I know, I know.....boys are just rougher....boys get hurt more than girls (which I still regard as a gender stereotype)...boys are just having fun. I get it. But have any of you priced bandages? I'm not talking band aids as these are far beyond band aids. We are talking butterfly bandages, antibiotic ointment, gauze pads and then wrapping his leg with gauze rolls and taping it on with the world's stickiest first aid tape (it's the only way to hold it all on his leg). These supplies are no longer put away in the medicine cabinet as we will most likely be using them every 10 minutes, they are now a part of the centerpiece on my table. I attempted to leave the previous injury open to the air a day or so ago - bad took him approximately 5 minutes to make that very obvious.
We're suppose to be taking a river tubing trip in the next week or so but I want those goofy/gross things closed and healing before we attempt to stick him in a river. Does anyone know where to get big rolls of bubble wrap about the size of a 9 year old boy?
Now that would be a talking point - a table center-piece made of bandages & plasters lol!!