Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lucas and His Teeth Pulling.... Dentist?

I cannot believe the way Lucas willingly and unbothered pulls his teeth. Yes they are baby teeth, yes they are slightly wiggly but come on!

He comes up to me (why me? I will gladly pass out at wiggly teeth) announces and shows me that it is loose. I immediately slam my eyes shut, point my finger in the general direction of dad, who is in charge of all teeth related matters.

Lucas then laughs this maniacal laugh, turns his back and turns back around, announcing, "Ta Da! Tooth no more" YUCK!

He is truly becoming Americanized, for this tooth he wants the Tooth Fairy to come. The last 2 were unceremoniously flushed. I think he's just discovered the value of a buck. I think I'll suggest dentistry as a profession and then never visit him at work!

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