Monday, September 18, 2017

Football Season Has Arrived....and Let The Injuries Commence

You can guess quickly where this post is headed.  Lucas and Eli are now a Sophomore and a Freshman in high school.  That by itself makes my head spin.  They are both members of the JV/Varsity football teams.  While football season is not quite as exhausting from the parent level the guys are definitely working hard. 

Lucas is seeing a lot of playing time.  He isn't the largest kid on the team but anyone who doubts what determination can do just needs to watch what he can accomplish with a 5'6"/160 pounds of Filipino Fire.

Eli....well he's had a tough season....two games in he broke his collar bone...yep that was not on any of our lists of things to try.  Like everything he does in sports it's 110% and meeting up with a linebacker and the ground was not in his favor.  It's effectively sidelined him for the season. Watching him pace the sidelines and watch his team mates play is a tough one for him, he desperately wants back out there.

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