Saturday, March 9, 2013

I Wish

Nothing like an hour road trip for bored kids to make up games.  Loud and annoying games.  Games with out any explainable or reasonable rules, no official start and stop.  Just goofy antics.

Tonight's game was deemed "I Wish".  It consisted of an hour (let me reiterate) an HOUR of back and forth between the boys of telling their wishes.  While this was very enlightening as we learned a lot of things Luke and Eli wish was an hour of one upmanship interrupted by arguing and noises.

But in case we didn't have our fill we have the opportunity for another hour road trip as Eli is involved in a basketball tournament.  I feel a little guilty as we are happy Lucas is feeling well enough to go along but wow! They didn't even have a chance to play the Ipod.  Guess it wasn't all bad.

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