Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bread...the Dreaded Enemy

That is once again Eli's gastronomic proclamation. I thought we'd passed his phase of all things bread related. Apparently I was wrong.

He didn't like bread when he first arrived home but that gradually faded away in those first six months. Now, after 19 months, he has once again decided bread is the enemy. If he only knew the meatloaf we had last night contained bread crumbs I'm pretty sure he'd have gone hungry.

Eli deciding to be bread deficient is not the end of all things. It's just highly irregular for our Midwestern brains and my limited culinary skills. This farm girl raised on meat, potatoes and bread can't understand what there is to not like but Eli is very good at letting us all know that there is something very wrong with eating bread. Lucas just thinks it's more for him and he finds great delight in telling Eli when something contains bread in disguise. Now Eli practically dissects his meals to make sure there isn't any bread surprises.

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