Sunday, August 22, 2010

Art Critic at Large

You've all seen varying forms of art throughout your travels by car. In a city near us they are conducting a city wide aesthetic improvement. Aesthetic being in the eye of the beholder.

It began with modern light sculptures on the main entrance to the city. This summer the city must have found a wealth of unspent money as they are constructing 4 metal sculptures near a new interchange and shopping development. Sculptures is a very loose description. They are probably 30 feet tall and I have no clue how wide. To myself having been raised as a farm kid, they look like the contents of the coffee can my dad used to put extra bolts, washers, nuts, screws and nails that inevitably was left to rust. That is what these "things" look like to me.

Mike, Lucas and Eli were in the car passing these "creative, ingenious, costly forms of environmental enhancement" when Lucas yells from the back seat. "Oh no! What happened, it's broke!" I think he pretty much has summed up 95% of what others are thinking. I'm so glad I wasn't in the car to have to try and explain why anyone would spend money, time and effort to dump a pile of scrap metal rejects next to a roadway, pay for the pile and then strategically place lighting so that anyone unfortunate enough to pass by in the dark won't miss the opportunity to gaze upon the waste of effort, money and sense.

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