Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Is Valentines?

That is a whole lot harder than you think to explain. Imagine trying to explain a "holiday" to a child that has never heard of it, now multiply it by two and then imagine two screwed up, puckered faces that burst out laughing when you fail. Long story short the explanation stands at "give your friends cards with candy in them." We really need to rethink our holidays. If you can't put it into terms a child understands perhaps it's a little more commercial than necessary. The boys had fun signing their valentine cards. Putting their friends names on them was a little challenging for Eli so Sydney helped him with some of the letters. Lucas surprised us by knowing how to spell almost everyone's name in his class.....go figure. I can tell you the boys took the whole card signing much more seriously than I remember the girls when they were in elementary. Now comes the dreaded wait for school party day and the sugar overload. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. We had the same challenge trying to explain this to Jay-R. He actually was frustrated earlier in the school year with a paper that made a reference to Valentine's b/c he had no idea what that meant. It is a strange holiday! Hope the boys have fun! We need to finish our Valentines yet!
