Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh Say Can You See?

Today we are headed to the eye doctor with Lucas. We've noticed him squinting since we first brought him home, so doctor appointment #?.

We're lucky to have an eye doctor who is aware of the language barrier and fear factor so we'll see how this goes. Hopefully not as scary to him (or us) as the pediatrician appointment that shall remain forever in our brains. We thought we'd have to take him out of school a little early to make the appointment but it's another snow day for school - day 3 and counting.

We opted not to have Eli tested right now as doctors of any kind are Trauma with a capitol T. Hope we're able to get an accurate testing for Lucas' eyes. He squints at reading, tv, even when he talks to you across the room.

I tried to explain the eye doctor, saying it's to see if he can see better with glasses - we all wear contacts or glasses so I pointed to mine. Again with the horrified face - I'm pretty sure he thought I was going to make him "wear" my glasses and that pretty much ended the conversation.

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